Tomoko Konoike “Skin,Needle,Thread”

Demanding a strong awareness towards art that is only closed inside human speculation, Tomoko Konoike’s solo exhibition “Primordial Violence” kept making an inquire to go back to the origin of art, which is the act of creation. We would like to hold “Skin, Needle, Thread, and” being the Vol.3 of that.
Starting with the “Drop curtain of cowhide”, a work reaching up to 24 meters currently generation a reaction, this exhibition will put a focus on the act of “Sew” which what can be seen in many of Konoike’s works. Like how the Homo sapiens invented a tool called “Needle” 50,000 years ago and went on a journey all over the world, sewing has always been a part of us as a handcraft to this day since the creation of heavy winter clothing. On the other hand, it has been looked down upon as something inferior to art, and was put aside as a daily handwork. Still, the sorrow and happiness concealed inside our body will be fully sewed and mended, hiding the power to be unleashed to the outer world in the form of a new voice.
Konoike provokes us by throwing a recursive nonsense to us by stating that, “The act of humans creating and living, is an act going against nature, is primordial violence”. With the texture of the land of Niigata here, the question for art will be thought out with the audience, and sewed.
Tomoko Konoike Artist Talk
Date:12/17 (Sat) 14:00− At the exhibition room Registration not required・Administration ticket needed
Art Complex & Talk “Winter Howling”
By welcoming Fuyuki Yamagawa, it is a moment to make a new somatic sensation appear inside the entire museum by awakening the inner animal voice within us.
Talkers:Fuyuki Yamakawa (KHOOMEI singer/Artist), Tomoko Konoike
Date:12/23(Fri・Holiday)14:00-16:00 At exhibition room Administration ticket needed
For seat requests, please RSVP at (12/1〜Reception、First 50 arrivals Tel: 025-290-6655)
Talk “Needle and String Tells – Sewing the Fairy Tale of Today”
A talk perambulating sewing, story, and the the mysteries of reality by Tomoko Konoike and Mayako Murai (Professor of Foreign Language/Comparative Literature/Fairy Tale Professor at the University of Kanagawa)
Date:1/21 (Sat) 14:00- At exhibition room Administration ticket needed
For seat requests, please RSVP at (12/1〜Reception、First 50 arrivals Tel: 025-290-6655)
Workshop「First Art Errand」
A workshop where the attendants plays the role of an artist, and bring home the “Errand” requested by the navigator (Curator).
Date:1/8(Sun)14:00-16:00 At exhibition room Registration not required・Administration ticket needed
Guest: Rieko Sakamoto(Exhibition Organaisor, Curator at Sezon Museum of Modern Art)
Date:1/29(Sun)14:00- At exhibition room Registration not required・Administration ticket needed
- Venue
- The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum
- Exbition Period
- December 17,2016ーFebruary 12,2017
- Holiday
- December 19, December 28-January 3, January 16, January 30
- Admission
- Adult:1000 (800) yen, University/high school student :800 (600) yen, Under Junior high school student :Free ( ): Group fee
- Organaized by
- The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum,Niigata Nippo,N S T
- Co-Organized by
- Sezon Museum of Modern Art
- Cooperated by
- (JA) お問い合わせ
- (JA) 新潟県立万代島美術館 〒950-0078 新潟市中央区万代島5-1 朱鷺メッセ内万代島ビル5F TEL:025-290-6655(代)