セゾン現代美術館 Sezon Museum of Modern Art


Announcement of postponement the opening the museum and the exhibition to prevent the spreading of coronavirus disease(COVID-19.)


Sezon Museum of Modern Art will postpone the opening of the museum and the exhibition to May 23 to prevent the spreading of coronavirus disease(COVID-19) and take into consideration visitor’s safety. Cafe Yamarashi has also been closed to May 23.

This period of postponement may be changed depending on evolving circumstances. Announcement will be updated on our website. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Notice of admission fee revision


We would like to announce that an admission fee will be revised after April, 2017 as below.



University/high school student:1000(900)yen

Jnior high school/primary school:500(400)yen

( ): Group fee